Monday, March 21, 2011

A Year in Review"

It has been over a year since my knee surgery. It is completely healed and I'm back to full usage. Jan 4th our son was born and 7:33am. His name is Elias James. 'Elias' is greek for 'Elijah', it means "
My God is Jehovah". I am very excited to be a dad. This last year has been incredible getting to watch Elias grow in the way he has. Audra is such a great mother to him. I really believe that God has gifted her with a natural ability to be an amazing wife and a mother. We have been teaching Elias sign language, I am really impressed how quickly he's caught on. He's able to sign for milk, bananas, water, daddy, mommy, eat, more, and doggy. I am really looking forward to this summer and being able to go on bike rides and walks with Audra and Elias.

Much has taken place since the last time I blogged. The month of June following my last blog I was given the responsibility of overseeing the High School age bible study. It has been such a growing experience for me. I have really grown to enjoy teaching them though. I have, in a sense, become addicted to watching the Lord work in them and grow them into men and women of God. Audra, Elias, and I had the blessing of going to Alaska in August. We were able to visit her family and Mo and Barbi as well. That time was much needed for us to get away form the business of "full time ministry". That September is when we began our new S.A.L.T. internship program at the church. That has been quite the adventure. I rewrote the internship with more of a focus on discipleship than on physical work. It has kept me busy with writing the curriculum as we adventure through the first year. We have five interns this year; three guys and two gals. I have learned much through this process. I have to admit that learning to deal with issues and different personalities has been the most difficult for me thus far. I have seen the interns really allow Christ to be made alive in them. My hope is that I will be faithful in leading them into a deeper relationship with Jesus. My desire is that through learning and experiencing grace myself that I will acquire the ability to lead with grace. (Lord help me)
As I look back at this year it's really difficult to think of the person I was and the person I am today. I don't feel as though I know the person I used to be. By that i mean the person in Christ. I have seen so much of Jesus this last year in so much of my marriage, ministry, and life. Christ has held to His promise that those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be blessed and filled. God has revealed so much about who He is and who I am, even in the sense of teaching the Word. I starting reading a book called "Between Two Worlds" by John Stott. He talks about the purpose of preaching and how we as teachers must be bridge builders; taking the heart of Jesus in the culture 2,000 years ago and bridge the gap to tell of His heart in the culture of today. Learning all of this and having God speak so much to me has made me beg the question "what have I been teaching this las two years"? The Lord is so faithful and gracious. I feel that HE has given me a deep passion for Revival. It seems that all I can focus on is seeing the potential that people have to know and see Jesus on a much deeper level than they do. To sum it up "taking flatlined Christians and through teaching and encouraging them, allow God to breath life back into them" That's my heart and until the Lord directs me into something else, I have no choice but to run with all my might in obedience to the calling.
Until next time... May you see that hand of God in everything you do and every hour you breath.

1 comment:

  1. You should blog more often babe :) I really enjoy hearing your heart, and I too am excited about where God has taken you and where He IS taking you/us.
